Wednesday, July 13, 2016


This point is hard to even consider.  It is dependent on getting a job, or not.

I see myself being led to Anamchara.  I spent much of my life believing that I was called to be a nun, however thought it was not something I could be as I was protestant.  Nowadays what is keeping me from joining is my lack of funds which is based on my lack of traditional job.

I see myself having a family before much longer.  Once I have a job and have established myself in it I shall be looking to having a child.  Possibly adopting, possibly by donor, I feel that I am to have a child, I do not feel required to have a partner in the process.

While I am putting it last it is something I feel is very important, I feel I am to live on my own.  By on my own I mean out of my parents basement.  It is not so much that I feel I need to live elsewhere as I feel they need to be able to live with each other and not have their children constantly around.  They have never lived on their own, there was always a someone else living with them, they need and deserve time with each other.

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