There are a few guys that stopped having sex after having sex with me, I always thought that strange as I am not that great, nor did I think even the most amazing of sex was worth not ever having sex again even if 'nothing could ever compare' (although I still think they had somehow just gone through life never knowing good sex).
I have not had sex in quite some time, it is not that I think nothing could ever compare, I just found myself in a sexual rut, I know there are people out there that are amazing partners for me, people that can turn me into a quivering ball of flesh. This rut left me without a sex drive, and without a sex drive one will not find themselves having sex. After about six months I found myself wanting the next person to be special, some part of my brain said that after going that long without I needed the next time to be more than just sex. After a year I stopped caring about the idea of sex, outside of my monthly heat. At 18 months I realized how long it had been and felt a bit sorry for myself and considered finding pity sex, just because that is way too long for someone that had kind of been the definition of a sex fiend.
Yesterday I woke up with a sex drive again, I want to figure out a way to keep the sex drive, and as this is not me being in heat I think I might have a chance to actually keep it for more than a week, and maybe even go back to normal me, although hopefully a less sex fiendy version of me.