Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Finishing school and how it has fucked with my head

For most of my adult life I have been an unrepentant polyamorous pansexual. I have trouble caring about the biologically defined sex of a person, and enjoy aspects in my partners from just about every socially defined gender. I have never had issue with my partner sleeping with others, as long as we both have the same rules placed on those relationships.

Recently school has been showing me how normal my queer relationship opinions are. In one class we spent a week on what the definition of queer is. I found myself seeing what educated people actually think about queer, and how they get from point a (mommy says that is wrong) to point b (actually that seems pretty normal).

I still see myself as queer, but leaning toward monogamy. This is not me saying 'go monogamy', I still see the way society acts about it as a social disease. I still see no reason for me to choose someone based on their biological sex, or their socially defined gender. I see no reason for our society to say monogamy is the only way. But when I look at myself I see someone looking for one person to be their life long partner. That is not to say I would ignore a perfectly healthy poly relationship because they are poly, I would just want more restrictions than most poly relationships I have been in or around.

Being 28 and still growing up, this shit be wack yo. Then again I still have issues telling people that would never judge me things about myself (including the whole becoming mono thing, thankfully none of those peeps are likely to end up here, at least not anytime soon), so maybe I am not all that grown up, then again, do we ever stop growing up?

Monday, March 28, 2011

Excerpt from an ethnography on geek dance

Rusty Con is the Seattle area Sci-Fi Fantasy convention. There are many conventions that are related to Rusty, Rusty is the most localized of the conventions for the Seattle area, the next level up is NorWesCon, and the one up from there is WesterCon. These conventions are loosely affiliated, but have strong bonds both in the people who come, and those who run them.

There are many things that convention goers expect from the Convention Dance, no matter what level, or where you are in the US. Latex outfits, leather outfits, and Cosplay are expected, recently Steam Punk joined the usual attire to be seen at convention dances. But as this is a dance certain songs being played are more important than any other aspect of the dance, and the DJ must make sure to time the playing of these songs, so they are not too close together, nor so far apart that convention goers are too enticed to leave to go to the room parties. The most important songs on this list are “Rasputin” by Boney M, “Burning Time”, and “When you’re evil” by Voltaire.

The song that seems to have formed the most structural culture at the conventions is “Rasputin”. In a previous ethnography I asked Andrew, a good friend from Russia, about this song.

I have never heard the song "Rasputin" by Boney-M prior to arriving to the US, and I only heard it here when I went to my first Sci-Fi convention. Most of my friends knew of my heritage, and I was surprised that they expected me to recognize the song immediately. Most of them were taken aback when I mentioned I have never heard the song before, and didn't know of the band that sung it. Apparently, in their minds, any song that mentions Russia or Russians should be greatly popular in Russia itself. The song does not illicit any particular emotion - I like the beat, and I find the lyrics somewhat humorous. The dance that goes with the song at conventions made me laugh at first, and the realization that my American friends thought that's how all Russian dance made me laugh even more. Overall, I think the song is a nice Sci-Fi convention tradition, and I'm happy to kick my feet up a couple of times if it makes my American friends giggle with delight.

Convention goers had taken aspects of what they thought was Russian culture, which it is in fact Ukrainian dance, mixed with bits of American culture top create the basics of the dance. The dance to this is both very communal, with everyone in a circle with their arm behind their neighbors back, and yet very much a show of skill, with those wanting to show their dancing prowess going into the center of the circle.

While America is considered a Christian country by many, in geek circles the less traditional religions are more the norm. In a nod to this another song that no convention dance can get away with not playing is “Burning Times”. This is less a communal dance, and more a dance where people who practice any aspect of Wicca show their connection to Mother Earth, and the ways they do this can sometimes be very obvious, and other times very obscure. No matter the how or the why behind the movements, they mean something powerful and important to the dancer.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Overheard from a Pathfinder game, while working on a scarf in the corner

Dark elves are Americans. ~ N
No, but I like dark elves. ~ B

Lunk will help you get up there. ~ N
By breaking your legs. ~ D

Speed slugs. They are painted red. ~ B
Painted red? ~ E
Red things go faster. ~ B

Guys, this isn't WoW. ~ D

Lunk will heal you, tank the slug. ~ N

The slug is laughing at him. ~ B

How about Lunk's efeminite younger brother? ~ N
Badonka-donk-donk. ~ B

If slugs coudld look puzzle, he would look puzzled. ~ C
He is a puzzled laughing slug. ~ B

He taught it to feel. ~ D
He taught it to love laugh and be confused. ~ B

I fail. ~ D
Bet you're bloody now. ~ N

How do you go so much damage? ~ J
He makes up numbers. ~ N

Lawful stupid, our group. ~ N

You stick your finger in it and it gets wet. ~ C

I softly punch him in the nuts. ~ D

No, you cannot sell the gift from beyond the gates of death. ~ N

You feel like doing very naughty thing to Kay. ~ C

Not South enough. It's underground. ~ N

Friday, March 18, 2011

How do we even getting any play in?

You bad man. Me love you long time. ~ S

I like looking like peoples brothers. ~ S

I have a good amount of sharp metal leverage. ~ N

So what are you doing? ~ D
Admiring your cat. ~ P
People on ecstasy admire your cat. ~ N
We're not doing drugs. ~ S

The dread brochure. ~ N
The Dread Brochure Roberts. S

I've got my rod. ~ P

My magic rod. ~ P

And you have rod expertiece. ~ D
Plus 2. ~ P

I have a thing. ~ N
He has a thing. ~ P

Holy crap batman. ~ P
Robin would not say holy crap. ~ E
Holy charred corpses batman. ~ N

Slap him, that always helps. ~ N

Fucking physics. ~ D
He has been saying that all day. ~ E
I will stop saying it when it stops fucking me. ~ D

Pooky will help me with the big long words. N
He points at a word and says 'the'. ~ D

I am going to roll arcana guess who got arcana specialization? ~ S
I am never running a game that has magic again. ~ D

The shirt has eyes. ~ N

Don't insult the phallus's. I was just sticking up for my buddy. ~ S
You do not need to stick up for phallus's, they stick up on their own. ~ E

Do a bro check. ~ D

He's taking you home to meet his mother. ~ P

There is only about a 60 year difference between those references. ~ S

There is no way this could end poorly. ~ N

It's like imaginary friends, but real. ~ N

I keep drinking. How drunk am I? ~ N

He picks you up, you puke on his back. ~ D

I know you are going to shot me, but I roll arcana. ~ S

To leave a torture victim press 3. ~ N

You wake up dead. ~ P

Captain couch surfer. ~ N

You have the most anti-girly hic-up. It is not masculine, but is somehow the opposite if girly. ~ E

I add stuff I guess. ~ N

One of these days Pooky, one of these days. ~ N
Bang zoom straight to the moon. ~ E

They know we are not dead, because we keep running around the market making fools of ourselves. ~ N

I am in the mood for something different. ~ E
Something fabulous. ~ N
You get a mohawk ~ D

We could have taken a train. ~ P
Yes, we could have stayed around and died while waiting for a train. ~ E

The subject is ultramarino. The message is "Here I don't grudge it take it". ~ D (reading from a spam email)
You opened it, now your computer is infected with ultramarino. ~ P

What's shaking Japan? ~ N

How did you get that stuck there. ~ D

I am not doing it to judge, I am doing it to enjoy. ~ S

We're off to see the wizard. ~ (missed who started this one)
The wonderful wizard of Sharn. ~ E

Try not to get taken out to the dumpster too often. ~ N

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Birthday gaming quotes

Then, at 7, 7 shots. ~ N

There is nothing worse then not expecting it and getting it in the mouth. ~ N

Don't you hate it when you penis falls asleep? ~ L

Ya'll make no sense, and I am the one drinking. ~ E

I am pretty sure you just got killed by your apprentice. ~ Sc

Unless you convert you can never unjew. ~ Sc

Don't worry about it, we will tell you when you are older, and Ul I am sorry. ~ Sh

I am neither mafia, nor a cylon. ~ Sc

Friday, March 11, 2011

Quotes started early this evening

This chick is wrong. ~ U

But it was charged when it was stolen. ~ A

It's so small, it's Amy size. ~ A

I want to try African accent. ~ U

What is the dragon's name. ~ U
Beck, because she comes at our call. ~ A

Clearly it is not a face die. ~ U
What did you give him, and why are you not sharing ~ D

It's the konami code, get it right or pay the price. ~ B

You made a woman. ~ B
Undo it, undo it. ~ D

You birthed me, that seems wrong ~ E

Sort of like a penis to an ocean. ~ A
I do not get it ~ E
Because I fucked it up ~ A

I crit that, 22. ~ U

Gnomiwood ~ B
That is going to be a thing. Adventures in Gnomiwood. ~ D

Raitions? No, it is rations, even in South Africa. ~ U

Why don't you bend over while I check your pocketbook. ~ B

If you get something out of it, and not something in you. ~ U

So many Ella ~ D

That is both gross and disgusting. ~ J

Of all the references, pachinko machine? ~ E

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Painting an army

I am not very good at PC when dealing with friends, but this is probably the worst I have ever done

Any opinion on weapon color for my hordes army? I'm going for a purpley pink grey sunset as the general color scheme ~ D
I understand that I have female parts, but that does not make me a girl ~ E
wuzzat have to do with anything? ~ D
You are asking me colour questions, you ask girls and gays that ~ E

The really sad part? I actually do paint minis.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

And award for the night goes to the kind of Frenchman

Last nights campaign has started an advertising company, and we went to convention. Our companion that had finally decided started to live life sober found his way back to the bottom of a pint (many pints). And our slightly off putting Shaman/Druid that was raised in the wilds, is still not understanding city life. It just got worse from there.

Buy our weapons of mass destruction. ~ N

What are you going to ask, "Is that what you used to blow up that dirty elf country?" ~ N

We could make up a country, "We represent Whogivesafuckistan." ~ N

I am going to write a letter to Leovin "Dude, don't do it. Jesus Christ, restraining order, moved 3 states, OH MY GOD need car." ~ N

I know you're going to laugh at me, but I am going to work on- ~ S
Posters? ~ P
Brochures ~ S

They have good examples of brochures. ~ S
So many shots. ~ N

I think your mom's gay, no wait that's my mom. ~ N

Pooky is very appreciative in his pink leopard print hat ~ D
Pimpin' Pooky, pimpin'. ~ P

"You have reached the point in the campaign where you defend your party members, 'They really are good people.' ~ N

I liked 'well it's not yellow this time.' ~ N
At least it is not brown anymore. ~ D

Awww, Pooky, let's not have an alcoholic Pooky. ~ S

Did you hear about the 6th graders who started a fight club? They obviously forgot the first rule of fight club. ~ C
And the second rule. ~ B

You were drinking while we were playing D&D. And you did not offer me any. ~ N
I offered you some. ~ E
I thought it was gatorade. ~ N
You thought it was date rape? ~ B
You saw me going and filling it up, what did you think I was filling it up with? ~ E

Unfortunetly Santa has run out of ammo. ~ B

Cosmic-Bang-Hunters ~ B
"Cosmic Bang Hunters", sounds like a bad porn. ~ N
Galactus as the pizza boy. ~ D

There is a void in Nick that needs to be filled with Rosen. ~ D
Only one? ~ N
There can be only one. ~ B

Staring the Rock as Frodo Baggins. (I sadly was laughing so hard that I completely missed who said it)

As long as you only cuddle my face. ~ N

What I really miss about Canada, card games, and legos. ~ B
Because we do not have cards. ~ N
And we don't have legos, even though it is an American company. ~ D

Only you and George R R Martin use the term 'bedding'. ~ N

She is just on a present high. ~ C (and I totally was)