Saturday, August 25, 2012

Non profit privateering ~ m

Friday, August 17, 2012

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Music and me

Sometimes it feels like I was born with a million medical issues.  The only thing that is always that has always comforted me is music, even with the worst migraine I can listen to music.   I however have this issue where I cannot get comfort from music where I can see myself involved in it, is narrows the type of music I can listen to for comfort.  I can listen and dance to anything, but not when I'm in pain.  When in pain I need to have words or violin, preferrably both.  I think it helps me focus on something other than the pain.  This means a lot of folk music, modern folk, traditional folk, even the rather odd combination of techno and folk.

I sometimes feel like I'm missing out, by narrowing what I will listen to.  When not in pain I enjoy listening to almost anything.  However it seems most the time I am in pain.

Come back later for my why Romani music always makes me smile