Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Finishing school and how it has fucked with my head

For most of my adult life I have been an unrepentant polyamorous pansexual. I have trouble caring about the biologically defined sex of a person, and enjoy aspects in my partners from just about every socially defined gender. I have never had issue with my partner sleeping with others, as long as we both have the same rules placed on those relationships.

Recently school has been showing me how normal my queer relationship opinions are. In one class we spent a week on what the definition of queer is. I found myself seeing what educated people actually think about queer, and how they get from point a (mommy says that is wrong) to point b (actually that seems pretty normal).

I still see myself as queer, but leaning toward monogamy. This is not me saying 'go monogamy', I still see the way society acts about it as a social disease. I still see no reason for me to choose someone based on their biological sex, or their socially defined gender. I see no reason for our society to say monogamy is the only way. But when I look at myself I see someone looking for one person to be their life long partner. That is not to say I would ignore a perfectly healthy poly relationship because they are poly, I would just want more restrictions than most poly relationships I have been in or around.

Being 28 and still growing up, this shit be wack yo. Then again I still have issues telling people that would never judge me things about myself (including the whole becoming mono thing, thankfully none of those peeps are likely to end up here, at least not anytime soon), so maybe I am not all that grown up, then again, do we ever stop growing up?

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