Saturday, January 29, 2011

D&D Part 7

Dungeons and Dragons community is much like other broader parts of the geek culture, in that there is not one definition for it. DDO is one great way to have a community for Dungeons and Dragons players, they can be playing with a person they are at a LAN party with, or they can be playing alone in their room, while still playing with someone on the other side of the world. Many stick with the pen and paper Dungeons and Dragons and their community is the people they sit down and play with. Much like pen and paper Dungeon and Dragon Players board game Dungeon and Dragon Players’ main community are the people they sit down to play with. LARPers have a more active community, and usually deal with more people than either the pen and paper or the board gameDungeon and Dragon Players. Many Dungeon and Dragon Players find community on the web, usually in the form of forums. Many Dungeon and Dragon Players like to go to conventions, some to feel they are a part of something bigger, others to learn from other Dungeon and Dragon Players, others to teach other Dungeon and Dragon Players, and some just to show off their character, or costume.
Most Dungeon and Dragon Players would say there is no one ideology for all Dungeon and Dragon Players , some wish to be what they always wish they could be in the real world, other wish to do things not allowed in the real world, some wish to save the day, but cannot or do not have the skills required to do so in the real world. However all have imagination, and the wish to use them in some way, whether that is to escape from some part of the real world, or to create a better (or worse) world of their own.

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