Monday, July 29, 2013

Weight loss

Finally found a way around my medical issues that have caused the weight gain, and those keeping me from losing weight.

Step one: deal with those issues instead of ignoring them
Step two: lots of protein
Step three: keep to a schedule
Step four: ignore the OCD keeping me from the scale
Step five: more protein
Step six: work out at least once a day for at least 5 minutes
Step seven: celebrate the little decreases
Step eight: let myself have anything I want, in small amounts and higher quality than I used to
Step nine: lots of meat
Step ten: eat at least 3 times a day
Step eleven: no soda, lots of juice and tea
Step twelve: seriously though all meals/snacks at least 50% protein

I used to spend my money on soda, now it goes on getting better things for the snacks.  I have always drank lots of liquids, I still do, I just go from soda to tea and juice; my gaming peoples keep juice in their fridge as mixer, I commonly go through it in a day of gaming.

The other day I drove past a McDonalds, smelled it and had this sudden craving for some nuggets, and then almost immediately felt sick at the idea of eating them.  Why eat nuggets when I could go home and eat some baked chicken strips I made myself, with one of the awesome sauces I made for dipping.

Being healthier when being poor is hard, and takes a lot of time, but it is really worth it.  My energy has gone up, and with my energy going up I have been going out more, and as I go out more the more I can ignore the Aspergers voice saying the world is terrifying, well, not ignore, but turn the volume down.

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