Saturday, May 15, 2010

Punishment, the law, and stupidity

Thanks to a new Supreme Court ruling people can be kept in prison after they have served their time. This ruling reminds me of why while I am pro death penalty I think there should not be a death penalty right now.

I do not think that the punishment should simply match the crime, it should be based on the criminal, not just the crime. Our system does take that into account, but only when lessening sentences, and not always because the person does not deserve the full sentence, but instead because they think the world has been unduly harsh on the criminal.

If someone kills someone the death penalty being on the table makes sense to me, if and only if that person cannot be fixed, become a normal person, act like a normal person, live a 'normal' life. By that I mean that if the person is ever released they will hurt others again, then that person should not ever be released, this leaves the option of sentences of death and life without probation.

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