Sunday, April 17, 2011

Stuff n things, even

I have not gotten nearly as much done as I hoped today. Kept getting distracted by randomness, including my sudden cravings for things that have nothing to do with what I am doing. Like my want to go dancing, right now, and my want to have specific conversations with certain people, again, right now; there is no reason that any of these cravings should be happening right now, other than my brain cannot get off said thoughts. This is why the nice drs say I have severe mental issues, I spend more than 8 hours a day dealing with/focusing on thoughts, and unable to leave them, unable to move to the next thought, or get back to what I need to be doing.

Counseling someone like me has people going 'what order do we fix things in?', not like normalish people where they ask 'how do we help you?'. That is not to say I am broken, and need to be fixed, but that I do not like how I am, and want to make myself more productive, and useful. I already get more done than most people, but I know I could do more if I can get past lots of things, including the way my thoughts work.

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