Thursday, September 5, 2013

Ethnicity Pride

Let us start with the important:

Kidding aside.  I am Irish, Scottish, Welsh, German, Cherokee, Choctaw, and a wee bit of West African (ordered by percent, the last two are actually equal, so I base that order by my connection to it).  I used to hide my German side, because I have this Gypsy fetish, and well, Holocaust.  My dad is pure Gaelic mutt (Irish, Scottish, and Welsh), my mom is the rest plus some more Irish.  My parents made sure I was never ashamed of the Gaelic side, because those were what I would most likely get teased about, I have always been proud that the Roman army feared my ancestors, I have always been proud that it was Ireland that kept older writings from disappearing during the dark ages, we were knowledgeable and to be feared, and that is awesome.

I look super white except when tanned, then I look like a redheaded Cherokee.  When I was studying Anthropology I had more than one prof use me as proof that giving a quick guess may not always work when dealing with ethnicity (they always checked with me first, and while the first time was very awkward for me, the fact that my fellow students were able to figure out so little I was almost excited to help twice more).

And now for a quick thing, you may have noticed I did not say race, I have good reason for that.  Race means breed, as in different species, ethnicity and race are not the same thing.  I would try describing it more, but Edward James Olmos put it better than I could, at least not without just quoting him.

I wish everyone was capable of being proud of their ancestry, but so many people have been told that their 'race' makes them less.  Africa had great houses of learning.  The Middle East is were we get our numbering system.  India gave us writing.  Japan gave us this thing called being clean (they actually did a shit ton more, but thanks to the cold medicine incident:  "Why was the plague never an issue in Japan?" to which I nearly shouted "They took baths", and as I like to make fun of myself ...).  Everyone should be proud of where they come from , there is no one that comes from a background that should be treated badly.  Any line that survives a few hundred thousand years deserves some respect, even if that is all they have done.

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